Latest Edition by; Carolee O'Neill Author

This novel is a work of fiction loosely based on events from real life. Finding herself in a strange community and a culture she was completely unprepared for, the heroine's life become a day to day fight to survive for herself and her baby. This is a fast-paced novel with a cascading mass of circumstances that will keep you shacking your head in horrified amazement. The characters are vivid, and the story a testament to the fact that sometimes, there really are no easy answers.

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Granny NeatFreak

This is a delightful comedy about a little old lady who takes pleasure in her obsession with neatness. After a considerable time of struggle with the petty things in life, she realizes how her behavior has kept her from enjoying the ride of her life.


Ages five and up.


Illustrated in Watercolor by Carolee.

Paperback,   12.99  Buy Here!

eBooks,  3.99  Buy Here!

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That Secret Part of Me

Like we sometimes do, Mr. Cave became immersed in the
dreariness of life. Not liking these feelings, Mr. Cave called upon the Sun for help. The Sun looked into Mr. Cave’s dilemma, only to discover a precious moral that could comfort and inspire both young and old alike.

Ages four and up.

Illustrated in Watercolor by Carolee.

Paperback,  12.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!

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Goodie RudeShoes Series One

Goodie RudeShoes and Mary Whiner are determined to make material possessions more important than relationships. Tweetie Bird, Bean Pole and Candi, the three children in this story, teach them that love can touch the hearts of everyone, if they'll only be open to it.


Ages five and up.


Illustrated in Watercolor by Carolee.

Paperback,  12.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!

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Logo, these five are my children's books!


You will enjoy all my books as you read to your little ones!

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Billy BitterBetter Series Two

Billy stubbornly resists a friend's suggestion who makes a judgment about him without having the whole story. This causes Billy to reminisce about the past and leaves him with nothing but his loneliness. A blessing shows him another possibility to his challenges. It all has to do with the heart of the matter.

Illustrated in Watercolors by Carolee. Ages four and up.

Paperback,  12.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!


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The Mouse House

As you venture through this little story, you will meet an elderly couple who have a unique way of getting trust and showing love when they share their values with some of God’s little creatures.

Ages four and up.

Illustrated in Watercolor by Carolee.

Paperback,   12.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!

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Navigating the Potholes of Life

Based on a true life adventure!

Grab your hat; you are on your way to comedy. The adult offspring of this sixty-nine year old Mom asked, “You’re going to do what”, as she confidently boards her new thirty-two foot motor home to hit the road, alone. This six thousand mile roller coaster ride will leave readers scratching their heads and laughing at the same time with this neophyte in charge of the wheel. With an overly confident attitude, she learns to manage the motor home (mostly by error), maintain the various systems (in a unique way), and discover that everything comes apart on a camper but not always at the right time.

Paperback,  12.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!


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A Reason To Dream

Based on a true story this tumultuous process of dealing with a devastating disease is the impetus for this couple to learn to live one day at a time. Avoiding the thoughts of how the future will unfold, the heroine buries her fears in chores as surges of adrenalin ravage her heart. Sleeplessness accompanies her nights, and exhaustion fills her days. The hero struggles to maintain his dignity, as he refuses to accept any change in his life and death story. Eyes tear as they refuse to succumb to the temptation of turning away from God. In spite of this traumatic roller coaster ride, they hang onto the unraveling threads of life through heartaches, tugs of war and, yes, even laughter.

Paperback,  12.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!

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With God in Mind

These thought provoking prose bring wonderment to a pause. Some will lead the spirit to unknown places; others might expand the mind to question unfamiliar possibilities and some will break the heart or make it smile.

Titles Included: Catch My Eye, Lord; Acceptance, A Conversation with God; Surely God Smiles; The Tides of Life; We Need Some Help Down Here!; Beloved; An Irish Tale; Demons of the Mind; Standing Close; The Hesitation; Your Child Calls; The Feeling of Candle Light.

Paperback,  12.99  Buy Here!

eBooks,  4.99  Buy Here!


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Ages twelve and up!

In The Graduation thirteen-year-old, Annie O’Brien is forced to attend a private school to hone her skills at being a woman. At the academy she learns other students have been abandon by their families. Staunch heartedly, Annie fights against the disciplinary actions of the nuns as she seeks revenge. Torn between her friends at home and the academy’s values, she becomes involved with an undesirable who changes the course of her life. Left on her own she must make lifelong decisions at a very young age. Although the period falls in the 1950’s, this story captures the same challenges that a teen faces today with relationships, abandonment, and abuse. The reader will identify with the heroine as she fights a double standard, then falls in love only to be broadsided by disaster.

Paperback: 14.99  Buy Here!

eBook:  5.99  Buy Here!


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Ages twelve and up!

The Graduation with Study Guide.

“The Graduation with Study Guide” includes the Study Guide for the parent and teen to use together. The objective is to delving into possible alternatives in order to facilitate communication and lead to problem- solving rather than amplify the generation gap.

For the adult reader the novel reveal the nostalgia of years gone by with an accent on values.

As presented, "The Study Guide" may be purchased separately.


Paperback 14.99  Buy Here!


eBook. See comment under "The Graduation Study Guide."





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Ages twelve and up!

The Graduation Study Guide” is a workbook for the teen or adult who prefer to have a personal copy. The Study Guide grants the parent an opportunity to explore the needs of their teenager as they face societal pressures in today’s world.


The Graduation is a stand-alone drama with or without the Study Guide.





Paperback for eBook:  5.99  Buy Here!


eBook cannot be used as a Study Guide. Available in Paperback.




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Silly to Sinister!

Book One of this collection will stretch the imagination between the creepy tales that make your mind twitch, to the heartwarming stories that give a gentle touch. The reader will taste the colors of another person’s life and the adventures that it holds. Suggested for the teen to the mature adult.

Titles Included: A Cane with a Name, The Long Journey Home, Lace Curtains, Knock on Heaven’s Door, On the Road Again, Tall Tales, The Last Guest, and Sinister Secrets.

Paperback,  10.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!

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Silly to Sinister!

Book Two of this collection offers a variety of topics to capture your imagination, bring a chuckle to your heart and Goosebumps to your soul. Carolee has written a variety of stories to satisfy all age groups, from the teen to the mature adult.

Titles Included: Close to the Heart, Time to Grow Up, A Bushel and a Peck, Gotcha, Beyond Hope is a Smile, Acceptance, Brain Drain and Love from a Neighbor is Better than Cookies.

Paperback,  10.99  Buy Here!

eBook,  3.99  Buy Here!


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Carolee's Collectables!

Three of Carolee’s five children’s books twin the Adult Fairy Tales to kindle the imagination and create wonder in a child as well as in the adult with their astonishing morals.

Each story offers a gentle reminder of what is important in life as the books portray different personality traits, explore the sense of fair play, heighten our awareness to the needs of others and unveil the undercurrents of a judgmental attitude.

Carolee’s seven other books cover a variety of topics to entice the teenager all the way to the elderly. Short Story books, Fiction, Fiction based on a true story and a thought provoking devotional.



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